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2nd Quarter 2011
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Garde design Emmemobili milan design week 2011

Photo: Emmemobili

Milan Design Week

APRIL 2011



「本来、私達が向かうべき所はいったいどこなのだろうか?」 そう考えた時、それは自然の姿に戻ること、自然に帰る事ではないかと思うのです。 すべては自然から生まれ、やがて自然へと帰る。それは自然の摂理でもあります。 様々な所で自然と深く結びついている日本文化。 だからこそ、自然の素材、質感、色彩、陰影などにも日本的感覚を見ることが出来る。そんな自然と深く結びついた日本文化の特徴を家具を通して表現してみました。

日本で古くから用いられている、木材を積み上げた建築構造物であり、また、祭事や遠方を見るための塔、或いは技法の名称としても使われ、一つの日本文化の特徴を現したものと言えます。 この、自然の素材を使った、昔からある技法によって家具を作成しました。


For the sixth consecutive year, Garde participated at Milan Design Week, the world’s largest furniture fair. Garde presented a new furniture collection called "Nature Comes Alive", designed with a wood-weaving technique called “Yagura” for renowned Italian furniture producer, Emmemobili.


Our modern lifestyles have a profound impact on the environment in which we live. Our planet is being exploited to its limits. It seems that mother earth must adapt to our rhythms and choices, while we conveniently disregard the consequences our actions have on the environment. Perhaps we should learn to understand and support the earth’s characteristics and try to live in harmony with them. In the end, as does everything that surrounds us, we too are born from nature and will rejoin her at the end of our journey.

Japanese culture is based on the relationship between man and nature. This can be seen in our choice of materials and colors and use of light and shade. Yagura, a method of weaving wood, was conceived from this reconciliation with nature. Yagura is deeply rooted in Japanese culture and was historically used as a construction technique for building temples, where sacred rites which combine spirituality and nature were customarily performed. Because of its cultural significance to Japanese culture, we represented Yagura in our design, choosing to express natural elements and traditional techniques in a contemporary manner.

MAY 2011

asia pacific property award logo best commercial interior designasia pacific property award logo best residential interior designasia pacific property award logo highly commended commercial interior design

ginza mitsukoshi department store tokyoGinza Mitukoshi Department Store

park tower gransky tokyoPark Tower GranSky

tasaki ginza flagship shopTASAKI Ginza Flagship Store

Garde Wins 3 Prestigious Asia Pacific Property Awards



ギャルドは上海で5月31日に行われたアジアパシフィックプロパティーアワードセレモニーで、ベストインテリアデザイン賞を受賞致しました。インテリアデザインレジデンスの部ではパークタワーグランスカイが、リテールインテリアデザイン部門では、TASAKI 銀座フラッグシップストアと銀座三越の2物件がベストインテリアデザイン賞を受賞致しました。

GARDE was recognized with three prestigious design awards at the Asia Pacific Property Awards 2011 ceremony held in Shanghai on May 31. In the residential category, GARDE won best interior design for the Park Tower GranSky project, while in the commercial category we received accolades for best interior design for the Ginza Mitsukoshi Department Store and another for TASAKI Ginza flagship store.

Ginza Mitukoshi Department Store, Tokyo
Opened in September 2010
“Best Retail Interior Japan”

Park Tower GranSky, Tokyo
Opened in July 2010
“Best Residential Property Interior Japan”

TASAKI Ginza Flagship Store, Tokyo
Opened in April 2010
“Highly Commended Retail Interior Japan”


MAY 2011
garde hong kong office
Garde Opens Hong Kong Office

5月にGARDE香港事務所が香港島のWanchai地区に正式オープン致しました。香港事務所は、日々増す中華圏と東南アジアのクライアントからのニーズに対応するために、デザイン及びマーケティングの拠点として機能して参ります。 今後も香港を通じて、アジアの各クライアントに引き続きクリエイティブなデザインを提供して行きたいと思っております。

GARDE opened a branch office in the Wanchai district of Hong Kong Island. The new office will function as a marketing and design hub to serve the growing demands of our clients in China and Southeast Asia. Our worldwide network of offices continues to provide consulting and creative design services to all our clients throughout the region.

4101 Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong   (T: +852-2527-2500)



APRIL 2011

garde taipei seminar taiwan

garde taipei seminar speakers

garde taipei seminar uni-president hankyu speaker

garde taipei seminar kitano speaker

garde taipei seminar panelists

Seminar in Taipei a Success

今年で3回目を迎えるGarde Seminar Event in Taiwanを4月27日にGARDEと台湾ショッピングセンター協会合同で開催し、マーチャンダイジングのトレンド、日本でのブランド戦略、そして人気ショッピングセンターの造り方など、幅広いリテール関連のトピックスを議題としたセミナーを行いました。


セミナーの先駆けには統一阪急百貨高雄店店長の山中眞矢氏のプレゼンテーションが行われ、次いてマラ・ワング女史(Jones Lang LaSalle社)が司会を務めるパネルディスカッションが行われました。パネリストとして、チャ―リ―・チャング氏(Alley Development社)、ハンドレッド・チェン氏(Cheng-meii Construction Development社)、デイビット・クオ氏(New Taimall Global社)にご参加頂き、GARDEからは数名の役員が参加致しました。

On April 27, Garde held a seminar in collaboration with the Taiwan Council of Shopping Centers. Held for the third time, the seminar featured talks on a range of retail-related topics – from merchandising trends and Japanese brand strategies overseas, to insights on how to create an attractive shopping center.

In attendance were over 130 guests, many of whom attended the seminar for three years running, from the development community, shopping center management, operation firms, consulting businesses and department stores.

Shinya Yamanaka, store director of Uni-president Hankyu Department Store Taipei and Kaohsiung, graciously kicked off the seminar, while other speakers and panelists included Mara Wang (Jones Lang LaSalle), Charlie Chang (Ally Development), Hundred Chen (Cheng-meii Construction Development), David Kuo (New Taimall Global) and executives from Garde.

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